Need a temporary or permanent retaining structure in a hurry? Conigliaro Block can help.
We specialize in rapid mobilization and rapid construction methods. Members of our team have extensive site know-how, including years of experience in rapid deployment military construction methods.
In the following example, the Conigliaro Block team was brought in after a contractor dug a 16 foot deep excavation for a proposed house foundation. The excavation was directly below a road. With the foundation crew weeks away, and the hole already dug and beginning to show signs of instability, the need for a fast, temporary, wall became apparent.
Based upon the site characteristics (depth of hole and existence of a road above) the engineer called for a double deep wall: 4 feet deep x 40 feet long x 16 feet tall. The site characteristics required the use of mini-equipment so as a result the engineer specified our reusable Plas-Crete line of blocks. Made with recycled plastic aggregate (making the blocks lighter than pure concrete) these blocks were perfectly suited to this application.
The wall was erected in less than four days, including mobilizing all men, equipment and materials as well as installing the base course, a drainage pipe, drainage gravel and stacking all the blocks. In the end the temporary wall served its purpose and was removed just a few weeks after its installation following the successful forming and pouring of the house foundation.